Monday 7 July 2014

Who are you???

Who are you?
Are you who they say your are?
Are you defined by their words, actions, expectations or varying perspectives?
Are you even who you say your are?
Because sometimes your voice echoes the words heard repeatedly.
Words that aren't true,
Words that don't even come close to what the Creator said about you...

Are you enough?
Are you worthy?
Are you limited or limitless?
Are you free or bound?
Are you existing or living?
Do you not know that each breath is a gift, unwrapped with each inhale and lift of the chest?
I hope you know, I really pray you do, but just in case you have forgotten let me remind you...

You were formed in a warm,
cosy womb for less, more or equal to 40 weeks.
In a slow and deliberate process
He created a masterpiece fashioned in His image and likeness,
To work the good works of the Master.
You are HERE by design, purpose and on a mission.
You are never alone, your creator would never allow it, He says if you make your bed in hell He is with you...

You are love and you are loved.
Your smile has the power to change the atmosphere in a room,
Your presence here on earth means there is something only you can do.
On the days where you are tempted to forget just who you are or to discredit yourself.
Remember this: you are beyond definition, you are greatness personified and more importantly there is a King in you....

Love, peace and blessings..

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Toya Stewart-Rowe

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