Monday 1 September 2014


I am so tardy for the party!!! C'mon smile! It's kinda cheesy but you know you wanna. :D I have had this post in draft for a month or so. I had blocks, lows and highs and made several changes...  There is always some force to press against to do what we really need/want to do. But the pressing through and getting it done inspite of, is where victory lies. So I decided not to scrap it. And finally here it is and as usual it is from my heart, as I grow more and more comfortable being openly vulnerable.

I find butterflies really fascinating and so I was searching for photos on the internet and became even more fascinated with the process they undergo to get to the beauty we see and admire. Metamorphosis is a really awesome process. The life cycle of the butterfly is one of those things that make me cheese so hard in awe and amazement of the level of intelligence the Creator clearly possesses.

The butterfly's life cycle consists of four stages, each stage beautifully designed and all necessary for it to transform from an egg to a beautiful butterfly.

To grow into an adult the butterfly goes through the following stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Each stage accomplishes a different goal. Caterpillars need to eat a lot, and adults need to reproduce. Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly may take anywhere from one month to a whole year.

Like the butterfly we go through various stages of change in our lives. Changes that vary in length of time and season. Outside of the more obvious physical changes. We also grow and develop spiritually, mentally, psychologically and many other ly-s.

As shared from the onset I'm on a journey although sometimes I don't think I am. Those are the times when the growth doesn't feel like growth but then it is evidenced in some way. Those times when my questions outweigh the answers (which is quite often). When most of my days look the same and the changes I yearn for seem extremely distant.

As I prepare for the birth of my baby, one of the most major changes in recent years. I feel I am caught in a tailspin. These darn emotional and physical changes do quite a number on a girl. I have to relinquish complete control of my whole life to this process whether I like it or not. So does the butterfly, the series of changes have to take place. It may not be pleasant, enjoyable or even welcomed but it has to be.

My whole life is being rearranged like that of the butterfly on many fronts. Some are scary, but like the butterfly I have to surrender. I have to surrender to the process to get to the promise of which I dream.

Some seasons seem that not much is happening, like the third stage of the butterfly's life where they form themselves into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis.  From the outside it looks as if the caterpillar may just be resting, but the inside is where all of the action takes place.  Inside of the pupa, the caterpillar is rapidly changing.

So it is with our lives, some of the most beautiful moments, experiences and changes arise out of moments where there appears to be a lull, like nothing is happening but if we only knew. God is busy molding us and shaping our lives into His will and often our answered prayers.

So enjoy your journey, your metamorphosis. You aren't alone for the ride.

One love.
God bless.

Big ups to: for the wealth of information..

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Toya Stewart-Rowe

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