Wednesday 21 January 2015

Begin again.

New year, New focus, New direction.
Clichè? Just a lil (and unintended) Necessary? Most definitely.

So, the new addition to my family is here (insert weird and awkward praise dance). I'm still experiencing a plethora of emotions and adjusting to the new normal. God has been beyond everything on this part of my journey. The support from my family, church and friends has been tremendous and my heart is full.

God has been leading me concerning our relationship and I have asked him to take over in a way I have never known. So this is a new journey for us as I seek him, withholding nothing. I was going to scrap this blog and do another where I focused more on this leg of the journey, but decided against it. After praying and looking at where I'm coming from, I realized that continuity is necessary and that was always the intention. So the journey and changes will be evident because that's what I set out to do.

In my search for purpose and a deeper meaning, I've come full circle. I started my walk with Christ years ago, but I had much learning and growing to do. I was straddling the fence wanting more of God, but not sure how to live that and not even sure I was willing to do what it took, giving him all of me. He has faithfully guided me to this point. My inadequacies became more clear as self help taught me that I was all I needed to do it. While I am undoubtedly a major factor in what happens, I've learnt I can't do it alone. Believe me I've tried! I'm at the point where I need to do the thing that scares me so much! Relying completely on another (whew). More specifically trusting God completely, but first I have to strengthen our relationship and deepen our bond.

When I did my c section I realized that He would be the only one who could and would go the distance with me ALWAYS. The chief cornerstone He is to me. I thank God for his mercy and patience.

I'm comforted to know that He had no intention for us to navigate this life without His input and guidance. I'm grateful for all my blessings and lessons on my journey.

As I gaze hopelessly in love with my little human, His blessings couldn't be more obvious and my heart is so full.

I'm thankful for this outlet and I'm thankful for every soul that reads. Blessings to you and yours and I hope you continue on this journey with me and that God will manifest in your life answered prayers and the clarity and guidance you seek.

Much LOVE.

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Toya Stewart-Rowe

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