Sunday 16 August 2015


I was listening to the incomparable Whitney Houston and had this thought. Can you imagine a world where we hadn't heard her angelic voice?  Imagine Whitney being so afraid to share her gift she talked herself out of recording and performing? Still can't picture it huh? So how come you're doing it? How come I do it? What if she had said I don't sound like Mariah Carey or Celine Dion,  so I won't share my voice with the world? Thing is we know for sure she wasn't made to sound like anyone else because she was just Whitney. The same can be said for everyone who has been courageous enough to share their gift with the world. Society has all these rules about who or what we should be. But how about who God says we are?

God is too wise and creative to make duplicates.  We shouldn't insult his creativity with our limited thinking. Our finger prints are said to be distinctly different for each of us. So I believe in the midst of our similarities there is something different in each of us to be poured out into the world. To be poured into the hearts of others. We are here for each other, to journey along together. To strengthen and empower each other. Don't get stuck on who someone else is or who anyone tells you to be.. Focus on what you have, who you are. Focus on your Creator so He can help you to unearth the greatness that lies within you.

Own your uniqueness. Trust that God knew exactly what he was doing when he put your gifts in you..  Don't get stuck being a rose trying to be a sunflower...     Share your unique voice... Share what makes you, YOU... The world needs it... You need to... I need it...

I leave you with a gem from the late great Whitney Houston..

Have a happy blessed Sunday..

Cheers to living,  loving and growing..

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