Saturday 10 May 2014

Motivation Needed?

I'm sharing this motivational video today and hoping it will help you to make that move, even if it's just to get out of bed. I found myself needing this yesterday and it helped me a lot.

Before this stage of my life I was never fully sold on this content. It seemed pretty clichè. Instead I relied a lot on others and didn't necessarily look to myself or my source (God). Well I did look to God I just asked others to speak to him on my behalf instead of seeking the answers for myself. Crazy, I know.

I really needed to tap deep within and motivational quotes, books and videos became a mainstay. I read somewhere that like showers, meals etcetera, motivation is to be consumed daily. And doing this has definitely helped.

On the days when I feel low and need a boost, I find the motivation I need. There are times when I might call or message a friend or my mom, but most of the time I have such a hard time articulating my thoughts and feelings in that moment, I just have to go at it internally. I have to keep the communication with God open, because I always have something to talk to Him about.

Your motivation might come in different ways, but whatever you find it to be, capitalise on it. Use it whenever necessary, as often as possible. I hope it helps you as much as it as helped me as I do this gift called life.

Cheers to living, loving and growing.

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Toya Stewart-Rowe

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