Sunday 1 February 2015

Feelin' The Love? (The I Love me and I Show it Challenge update)

Hey You!

How has the challenge been going? I hope you have been real good to you this past week! I also hope you keep it up. For me, it was a little challenging in some areas, but I made it and I am definitely on my way. I confronted some patterns and successfully challenged them so I'm pretty grateful. Jesus has been my ace through it, I had to ask Him to help me quite a bit. When challenging old patterns they seem to grow claws trying to hold on for dear life! But God! (INSERT THE BIGGEST GRIN POSSIBLE in your mind)

Word Mosaic

I want to share something else with you that forms a part of the I love me and I show it challenge. It's about guarding your mind because as they say where the mind goes the man follows.


I came across this photo from author and speaker Lysa Terkeurst and in its simplicity it managed to give me a reminder aha. Again, there is nothing new under the sun, we know quite a bit of everything we're going to hear, but sometimes we don't focus on it long enough for it to do its work. Or sometimes a little perspective is needed, better yet, having knowledge is nothing without exercising wisdom to truly apply it. Hearers and not doers basically. Since the contents of our minds can either break or make us, it makes sense that we think about what we think about (HA) .

Paper Stars

Being kind to ourselves in our thought life requires vigilance and holding thoughts captive that are not life giving and nourishing to the soul. As Philippians 4:8 (NIV) says: finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. The more we feed our mind with positive, loving thoughts, I think we will have more positive and loving experiences. So try this with me, monitor your thoughts towards you and your self talk for the next week. If it's not loving, nip it on the bud. Remember also that loving means being honest, yet gentle, patient and kind with you. Don't be harsh or talk down to yourself, instead use an uplifting tone and gentle words.I believe if we practice this, we will exhibit more love and positivity when dealing with others and those around us wont be able to help but notice and want the to know the secret.

Cheers to living, loving, growing and dreaming...

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Toya Stewart-Rowe

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