Saturday 14 February 2015

Soul mate or sole soul mate...

As the American writer Richard Bach said, "A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are."

It's Valentine's day or love day as some call it. Love is such an integral part of the human experience. A word and concept so overused and abused. Love has many doubters some go as far as to claim they hate it, although their declaration unwittingly shows their need for it. Some are in love with the idea of love and ideals it promises in our culture  (guilty). I've been that girl. That girl so obsessed with getting this "love" I gave away irretrievable pieces of myself. I searched everywhere except in me. I often heard and sang of this great love that would solve all my problems and I was onboard the quest for it. I also heard of the great love of God but I assumed that was for another part of me, that the two weren't related. I assumed that I needed to find that romantic love that would "fix" me so I could love God better..... Boy was I wrong.

I believe in the concept of soul mates not a sole soul mate... I've lived and learned enough to come to a conclusion for myself that the fairy tale idea of one single soul on this planet to complete me might not be so. My reason is this, not everyone cares to get deep enough in knowing you on a soul level. In some cases it's just a relationship in passing, killing time. While there are others who come into your life and seek to know the depths of you and to touch those deep parts. These people are those with whom you form a soul connection. Hopefully it's a soul connection that builds you and shows you your beautiful. The things in you, you didn't know how to unearth on your own. The things that remind you of the beauty of life and the wonderful God given gift of pure love.  If it is, treasure it, build on it, pray over and watch it grow and flourish. If it is the opposite that drains you and tears you, you probably should remove every form of life from it, pray for them and keep it moving. This applies to both friendships and relationships.

I dare to say God is my ultimate "soul mate", lover of my soul, the key to my happiness, my provider, corrector, my everything. However he gives me soul mates to share this journey with. My family, my best and closest friends are the ones he allows me to share soul moments with. We share with each other and connect on a deeper level, sharing our dreams, hurts and greatest joys. I am blessed, grateful. I am now and forever a student of love. Love has taught me many things in my life especially over the past two years, what it's worth and more importantly what it is and isn't. Celebrate love today and everyday. Celebrate the love of God, loving yourself and the family and friends you're gifted with.

Cheers to everyday love, with no conditions. The love God gives. I pray we grow to be able to give and receive a love that is patient, kind, not self seeking, not rude, not easily angered, that keeps no record of wrong, delights in truth, always hopes and preserves.
With  LOVE.

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Toya Stewart-Rowe

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